Stone by Mercer Project is a unique collection of stoneware created in collaboration with Mercer Project. Thoughtfully crafted, our pieces embrace natural forms. We honor the history and importance stoneware holds in our everyday lives, transforming the dining experience for all to enjoy.

The organic shapes, tactile cues, and hand written inspirational notes are all evidence of touch, and illustrate the humanness of the artists process. Each mark, characteristic, and irregularity emphasizes the simplicity of the organic forms. Born from the earth, just as the food we eat, Stone by Mercer Project is created to bring attention to the relationship between object and human interaction.

MERCER PROJECT is a collaborative studio based in Soho, New York. Founded by Artist Roy Nachum and partner Maia Nachum, Mercer Project examines the relationship between art and design through architectural projects, furniture design, essential objects, and art installations. Designs are defined by their individuality and identity, built to improve the quality of life and create change through demonstrative experiences. Mercer Project is dedicated to the creation of designs which are timeless yet, push boundaries and continue to challenge our visual and material expectations.